Please sign up to the Art in the Corridor group using the form below so that we can keep you up to date on information, dates and latest news of Art events.
(We're just getting used to this new functionality - any glitches, please let us know at
Thank you.
Upcoming Shows
We are hoping to put on 3 or 4 shows a year:
Tentative plans for 2020 are:
23-25 April (during the TAG performances of Pygmalion)
December (during Tiz the Season)
A theme is intended to provide a new impetus for creativity. Please send in your ideas (for example: Happiness, tulips, brexit...) To make sure there is time to create new work, we'll keep the sooner events both simple and also open to all. If you don't have anything ready within the theme, we'll always have part of the gallery open to all exhibits until we get everything running smoothly!
Themes and dates for 2020 will be announced by the end of January.
Our intention at the Victoria Hall is to use the concourse area adjacent to the main hall as a gallery space to showcase local artists and crafts people’s work. As it is not a secure location, this can only be offered during times that the hall is used for specific events - for example concerts, shows, films etc. Our aim is that it can also be hired for private displays etc.