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Junior TAG 2019 Auditions
Wind in the Willows: Ideal show for children from 7 to 14 of all abilities 12 superb songs 85 to 90 minutes in 2 Acts
Registration is Closed
See other eventsDate
08 Jul 2019, 17:30
victoria hall, victoria hall, Tisbury, Salisbury SP3 6HD, UK
You will also be given all necessary paperwork to be able to take part.
Monday 15th July 5.30pm parts will be handed out and all paperwork collected in! We will also have a read through of the script.
Rehearsals will start in September on Mondays and Wednesdays and our performance dates will be 8/9th November.
Age range 6 - 16/17
Hope to see you there!
Junior TAG Team
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