War Horse
Directed by Steven Spielberg, this epic adventure of friendship and war follows a young man named Albert and his horse, Joey. Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of war violence
13 Nov 2021, 19:30 – 22:00
Tisbury, Victoria Hall, 5a High St, Tisbury, Salisbury SP3 6HD, UK
Directed by Steven Spielberg, this epic adventure of friendship and war follows a young man named Albert and his horse, Joey. Their bond is forcibly broken when Joey is sold to the cavalry and sent to the trenches of World War One, where he changes and inspires the lives of all he meets. It is an odyssey of joy and sorrow, passionate friendship and high adventure, and an inspiring saga of loyalty, hope and tenacity.
Trailer https://www.filmbankmedia.com/films/archive/details/14593-war-horse#/video
Doors open from 7pm - Â come and have a drink with friends! The film will start promptly at 7.30pm, so please arrive early enough to be in your seats.
£7.50Sale ended