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Envisaged Formats and entry fees:



Wall space - £2 per item

Small display tables - £5 per table (intended for smaller art items eg sculpture, jewellery)

Sales point with cards, browsers - £2 card/browser sales


Craft Fayre

Per table - £10 per table



eg Music and stories  - Free entry

Can set up a video area if required 


The entry fees will be used to cover any costs of hall hire, marketing or new exhibition mountings etc. Any surplus will go to the NewVic as a donation. The bar will be run by the Victoria Hall. Profits from the cafe and from the performance evenings will go to charities as decided by the individual organisers for these events.



We are still very early in the planning, but as a guide please see the table below. We will contact everyone during May so that we can get a rough idea of how much space we need and whether we might need to book other venues in the village.


Celebrating everything creative in Tisbury in a weekend, or possibly two.


Picking up from the successful Art in the Corridor in the New Vic during Tis the Season (2019!) we are planning an even bigger event, hoping to expand into the main hall and maybe even other venues in the village. There will be exhibition space for paintings and sculptures etc and we will also have a craft fayre for those of you who would like a table. Where possible and sensible we will have a cafe and a bar.


The planning is very loose at the moment, so please get in touch and we will ensure that we can include any creative format you’d like to share.


The general theme for the exhibition will be 

Lockdown - An unexpected creative opportunity

We also have two specific themes to inspire you for the forthcoming months:

Over the Rainbow

A Party of Swifts
(in association with the TNHS Tisbury Swift Campaign)

There will also be an evening (or more) in support of the Tisbury Writing Competition.

Happily everyone has been getting busy again, but this has meant that pinning a weekend for TisArts has been a bit of a challenge. So I have decided that a full TisArts weekend will have to wait until Spring next year.


But the Victoria Hall is going to have activities for Tiz the Season in December, and there will be an Art in the Corridor event again. So begin to prepare for that. I will update deadlines here as soon as possible.

Please sign up to the TisArts group using the form below so that we can keep you up to date on information, dates and latest news.

(We're just getting used to this new functionality - any glitches, please let us know at


Thank you.

TisArts Info Group
Which part of the event are you considering being part of?

Thanks for submitting!

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