The Victoria Hall Management Committee have undertaken a Risk Assessment for public use of the Victoria and Elizabeth Halls following government guidelines.
For Hirers:
All hirers must carry out their own Risk Assessment (RA) for submission to the Committee as part of the hire process. A sample RA document is available. Contact the hall using the routes below for more information.
For Victoria Hall Events:
All tickets will be sold in advance of an event and sold in social bubble groups of 1 to 6 people, according to the type of event. See individual event tickets for details.
Seating will be assigned prior to the event and chairs/tables must not be moved.
Hand sanitiser is available at the hall entrance and by the toilets.
There will be a one-way system for movement around the hall and to and from the toilets.
Masks need to be worn whenever you are NOT sat in your seat.
There will be a one in/one out system in place for use of the toilets.
Any event-specific information will be given within the event details.
A Trace and Trace Register will hold details of hall users for 21 days for all activities.