The New Vic@Tisbury Live Streaming Project
How to donate
Alternatively, payments can be made:
Victoria Hall Management Committee
Sort Code: 30 97 41
Account number: 0084 0818
Please make the Reference: ‘VHLS/ your surname’.
By cheque payable to ‘Victoria Hall Management Committee’, and posted to:
The Treasurer, Victoria Hall Tisbury Ltd
Gaston Manor
High St
Gift Aid
We would be grateful if you could boost your donation by 25% through a Gift Aid declaration. The online payments system includes a Gift Aid form. If you pay by BACS or cheque, an online Gift Aid form is available below. For those who prefer it, a paper Gift Aid form can be downloaded HERE and should be filled in and sent to the Treasurer at the above address.
Please notify Richard Beattie, Treasurer, at the New Vic@Tisbury charity if you:
· wish to cancel this declaration
· change your name or home address
· no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains
If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Using PayPal Donate or with a credit card: